Tag Archives: Mandolin

An insight into “Yeh chand yeh sitare Lata Mangeshkar film Halaku Shankar jaikishan” by Amit Vaidya

Shri Amit Vaidya - writer of this insight on "Yeh chand yeh sitare Lata Mangeshkar film Halaku Shankar jaikishan"

A very very Beautiful song from the film Halaku (My most favourite song!)

Few things to Listen to specifically:
-The song starts with a very simple but beautiful and very impressive Mandolin piece. Also try to listen to the light rhythm which adds to the sweetness of this piece. Most of the SJ Songs always had very catchy instrumental beginnings, eg, Chand Khila, Awara hun, Jeena Yahan, Dil Ki Nazar Se….the list is end less..this song is also one of those!
-Then the Violins start playing! Also note that these are distinctly two groups of violins. First Violins playing the main melody, second Violins probably tuned to Fifth which adds to the beauty. Note the rhythm with inclusion of Khanjiri which was not there in the earlier piece
– There is again a Mandolin piece, then Violins and then the song starts..!..Lataji’s heavenly voice makes a fabulous entry!
-Listen to the Khanjiri- you may need to listen to it carefully, it actually sounds like a train rhythm. If you notice you are actually swinging with this song..and its all because of this train rhythm. Infact you may want to imagine sitting actually in a train – I did it..it feels great!!
– The sign line is repeated twice. But the second time, please listen to the contra melody produced by Violins. Such a intricate work of Art!! Only a Connoisseur like Sebastian could have done this magic. Its very intricate and beautiful!
– The song almost has a Jugalbandi between Mendolin and Violins in M1/M2. Please note that the volume that Mandolin produces is infinitesimal sound as compared to 30-40 Violins..but what a balancing of sound..mind blowing!

Now Listen to this song ; Click here :
